* Rezervarea este valida atunci cand primiti confirmare.
* Daca intarziati mai mult de 20 de minute va rugam sa ne anuntati respectand totodata intervalul de timp pentru care aveti rezervarea. Desi facem tot posibilul, nu garantam ca va putem gasi alte locuri atunci cand soseste grupul care are rezervare dupa dvs.
* Incurajam si vizitele fara rezervare, zilnic pastram o parte din locuri pentru oaspetii fara rezervari.
* Pe rooftop luam rezervari de 4 persoane, iar in interior de maxim 8 persoane. Pentru grupuri mai mari de 8 persoane va rugam sa ne trimiteti o solicitare la
* ultima comanda pentru bucatarie:
22:30 in zilele de Duminica - Joi
23:00 in zilele de Vineri - Sambata
Regulile Rooftop-ului:
* Rooftop-ul nostru este o zona de liniste, fara muzica si fara zgomot, din respect pentru vecinii care locuiesc la doar cativa metri distanta.
* Rooftop-ul se inchide la ora 22:00. Dupa aceasta ora va invitam la barurile din interior in functie de disponibilitatea de locuri.
* Rooftop-ul functioneaza atat cat ne permite vremea. In situatii de vreme neprielnica suntem nevoiti sa anulam rezervarile iar in functie de disponibilitate va vom propune variante de locuri in interior.
* The reservation is not valid until you receive confirmation
* Please let us know if you'll be late more than 20 minutes, taking also into consideration the time
frame for your reservation. Although we do our best we can not guarantee other seats for you
when next reservation arrives.
* We encourage walk-ins. Daily we keep a part of our seats for guests with no reservation.
* We take reservations for maximum 4 guests on the rooftop and 8 guests in the inside area. For
groups larger than 8 guests please send us an inquiry at and we will
discuss variants of accomodation at mutiple tables in the inside area.
* Last kitchen order:
22:30 from Sunday to Thursday
23:00 from Friday to Saturday
Rooftop Rules:
* Our rooftop is a quiet area. Our neighbours live only meters away and so, out of respect for
them, we are committed to maintaining a quiet environment without music or noise.
* We close our rooftop at 10 pm. After this time we will invite you to one of our interior bars
depending on seats availability.
* Rooftop is open if the weather allows. In case of bad weather (strong wind or rain) we are forced
to cancel the reservations and based on availability we will propose other seats in the inside